Welcome to the Center for Disability Resources Library Blog! Here we will welcome your comments and suggestions about books and videos that you have borrowed, materials that you would like to see purchased, or anything involving the day-to-day operations of the library or even of disabilities in general. Visit the CDR Library's web site!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
People on the Go
Message from Kelly:
"There is a self advocacy group called People on the Go. I have been a member for 5 and a half years. It took me a long time to understand what they do. Now that I understand what they do I got really excited about being apart of that group. I love everything about that group. The events, traveling and going to conferences. It’s like going to school. We meet at Red Cross. It’s the 2nd Monday of each month. It’s more fun than school. You would have to come to the meetings to find out what activities they have coming up. You might want to bring a folder to the meetings. They give you fliers every time you come to the meetings. I can’t go without a folder. The only conference I go to is at Myrtle Beach. It’s called Pathway to independence. Every thing else is too far away for me. If you want to join People on the Go just bring $1.00 every month, and call Jackie Robey at (803) 787-0286."
For more information, please click the title above.
It's A Miracle!
A Miracle field that is….Pineview now has a miracle field for the spring of 2008. For those of you who don’t know what a miracle field is let us explain. It is a custom-designed venue which incorporates a cushioned synthetic turf that accommodates wheelchairs and other walking assistance devices, while helping prevent injuries. In other words, it provides a level-playing field where physically and mentally challenged children can hit, run, and catch- just like the best of them.
Pineview Board members would like to invite you on February 10, 2008 at the Tri-City Leisure Center at 3:00pm in West Columbia, so we may introduce ourselves to you. We would like to take the opportunity to go over how this miracle league should run, and also get input from the parents on what you would like to see for the PAL league in the future. Pineview board members will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the PAL league.
After the meeting you will be able to register your child for the spring season. Other dates available to register are as follows:
Feb. 16 from 11am - 3pm / Feb. 17 from 2pm - 5pm / Feb. 24 from 2pm - 5pm
These dates we will be at the Pineview Ruritan Club located on Pella Avenue near Pineview baseball fields. Please feel free to contact myself, or any board member for questions you have before the Feb. 10th meeting.
Thank you,
Pineview Board
Lisa Blackmon
Asst PAL commissioner
Jamie Russell (c) 318-1042
Lisa Blackmon (c) 260-2367
Gina Whitten (c) 206-9689 (w) 794-7113
Shelly Blackmon (h) 791-1938 (c) 348-6035
Brad King (c) 309-3810
Dawn Davis (h) 796-1710 (w) 794-7113
Invention: Implantable Camera
"Light-sensitive chips that sit at the back of the eye have great potential to help people with certain types of vision loss. They work by converting light into an electrical signal that can then be fed directly to the brain via nerve cells at the back of the eye."
To view this entire article, please click the title above.
Reminder: SCATP Expo 2008
South Carolina Assistive Technology Expo 2008
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
March 19, 2008
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Free and open to the public
See and try the latest devices, equipment, gadgets, and software to help people of all ages live more independently in all areas of life. Attend workshops on topics related to assistive technology for memory, home living, education, literacy, communication, computer access, and mobility.
For more information, please click the title above.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Attention Library Patrons!
We are now happy to offer our materials nationwide! Anyone in the fifty states may now check out items.
* Reference librarians are available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday.
* Requests are accepted by mail, by email to wilsons@gw.med.sc.edu, by telephone to (803) 733-1501, or on a walk-in basis.
* Books may be borrowed for a month. Videos may be borrowed for two weeks.
* Materials can be mailed to your home or office.
* Postage-paid return mailers are available for materials sent to South Carolina families. And all South Carolina residents may continue borrowing multiple items at one time.
* A courier is available to bring items to the Center for Disability Resources Monday-Friday.
* Residents of states other than South Carolina may check out one item at a time, and are responsible for return postage.
If you are not a South Carolina resident, please also consult the Directory of Disability Resource Center Libraries to locate a library in your area.
For more information about the CDR Library, please click the title above.
Monday, January 28, 2008
SCATP Assistive Technology Training Forums
This is a reminder about two great opportunity for those who work in
school districts:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Pee Dee School District AT Team Forum
9:00am - 3:00pm
Pee Dee Education Center, Florence
Moderated by Janet Jendron, SCATP
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Low Country School District AT Team Forum
9:00am - 3:00pm
Technical College of the Low Country, Bluffton
Moderated by Janet Jendron, SCATP
If you are thinking about starting an AT team or already have one in place, this is a great opportunity to learn from other AT Teams! Come join us to learn about the various successes, barriers, challenges and more that AT teams around the state have faced. Also, hear about the latest free tools that can help your struggling students and those with disabilities from SC Discus, SC Streamline and Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D). We'll also look at the SCATP CD ROM "South Carolina Curriculum Access through Assistive Technology," which will be available (free) to all attendees. This workshop is open to teachers, therapists and school personnel from any school district throughout the state, but if space becomes a limiting
factor, preference will be given to personnel from the Pee Dee and Low Country Regions."
To register: Call Mary Jo Schneider at 843-661-4836, email Mary Jo
Schneider, or use the online registration form on the SCATP Training
Schedule Page at http://www.sc.edu/scatp/trainingschedule08.html
For more information, please click the title above.
What's Going On This Week at Family Connection!
Monday, January 28
6 pm - 7:30 pm
Up on Downs
June Maranville, Speech Therapist, Palmetto Speech and Language Center
Family Connection Office
2712 Middleburg Drive 103-B
Contact Susan Haney at 252-0914 for Childcare
Wednesday, January 30 9 am
Morning Coffee
Lizard's Thicket
10170 Two Notch Road
Friday, February 1 to 3 pm
Gymbo's Friends. Class for Children with Special Needs
Gymboree at Midtown Mall
Siblings are welcome for half price!
IT'S BUDDY WEEK! January 28th to February 2nd.
Bring a Friend to Gymboree This Week and Get a
$5 Gymbo Buddy Buck!
Music Madness Monday-
Buy a CD and get a castinet or mini maraca!
Terrific Tuesday-
Join us for an extra PLAYGYM from 4:00-5:30pm on the 29th.
Pajama Wearing Wednesday-
Wear your PJ's to Gymboree on Wednesday!
Thankful Thursday-
Gymbo is thankful for all of his friends. All Gymbo's- 25% off!
Friendship Friday-
Bring a friend to PlayGym from 1:00-2:30 on February 1st!
Super Ball Saturday-
The Super Bowl is Sunday but we're having a Super Ball on Saturday! Get a SUPER SPIKEY BALL with any product purchase on Saturday!
Bring a Friend who is not enrolled and if they enroll that day...
we'll waive their enrollment fee and you'll get $10 off your next enrollment!
Thank you for being Gymbo's Friend and for introducing Gymbo to a new friend!
CALL (803) 738-1231 for more information.
Gymboree Play & Music of Columbia, SC
2nd Level | MidTown at Forest Acres | (803) 738-1231 |
Parents...Come out, release your stress, dance, and have fun!
Support a medical cause (haha) and see MY Affliction, (a cover band that are all DOCTORS from 9 to 5 for their REAL job!)
Jillian's in the Vista! Saturday, February 2 8 pm
Also, to get more information on Family Voices of SC visit http://www.familyvoices.org/states.php?state=SC
SCATP Helpful Resources
1. 2007 NCSL Child Care and Early Education State Legislative Update
National Conference of State Legislatures; January 24, 2008
Thirty-nine states enacted substantial legislation that affects child development and early education in the 2007 legislative session. Bills addressed prekindergarten programs and school readiness, child care, quality initiatives, early intervention, and task forces and governance. Additional actions that were taken through the state budget appropriations process are not included in this document. The bills highlighted in this document are stand-alone bills.
2. New NCSER Report: Facts From NLTS2: Orientation and Mobility Skills of Secondary School Students With Visual Impairments National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER); January 23, 2008
This report presents information on the percentages of students with visual impairments who receive orientation and mobility services, including percentages for different segments of the population (blind vs. partially sighted, regular vs. special school placement, and demographic groups). It also discusses the levels of orientation and mobility skills in this population, and factors associated with their skill levels. Data are from The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), funded by the National Center for Special Education Research at the Institute of Education Sciences, U. S. Department of Education. NLTS2 was initiated in 2001 and has a nationally-representative sample of more than 11,000 students with disabilities. For further information please contact David Malouf at 202-219-1309 or david.malouf@ed.gov
3. Revisiting Graduation Requirements and Diploma Options for Youth with Disabilities: A National Study (NCEO Technical Report 49)
By D. R. Johnson, M. Thurlow, and K. Stout
A document reporting on National Center on Educational Outcomes¹ (NCEO) fourth study of state graduation requirements for students with disabilities. This national study was designed to describe current variations across states in high school exit exam practices and the use of alternative diploma/credentialing options. The study also examines the intended and unintended consequences for students when they are required to pass exit exams to receive a high school diploma, and the intended and unintended consequences of using single or multiple diploma options for students with disabilities. Published by the Institutes National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO). (2007)
4. Impact: Feature Issue on Direct Support Workforce Development University of Minnesota Institute on Community Integration (Fall/Winter 2007/08; Vol. 20, No. 2)
A publication offering a timely exploration of the issues facing the Direct Support workforce, and
impacting the quality and availability of Direct Support services for individuals with disabilities. In its pages are strategies, resources, and personal stories from across the country that offer service providers, advocates, policymakers, families, and individuals with disabilities ideas that they can use to help ensure that people with disabilities continue to have access to the supports they need to live the lives they choose. To be published the week of January 28.
5. New Handbook on Developing and Evaluating Interagency Collaboration in Early Childhood Special Education Programs January 14, 2008
The California Department of Education's Special Education Division recently published a new handbook entitled, Handbook on Developing and Evaluating Interagency Collaboration in Early Childhood Special Education Programs, by Kathleen C. Sadao and Nancy Robinson. The handbook is meant to assist early intervention professionals and agencies develop and implement interagency agreements that support an efficient and seamless delivery of services. It is available online at http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/fp/documents/eciacolbrtn.pdf
To order a hard copy call 916-445-7608 or go to http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/pn/rc/
6. New book: Worlds Apart? Disability and Foreign Language Learning
January 28, 2008; Yale University Press
Offers critical and practical essays with insights applicable across the language-teaching spectrum. Written in English, Worlds Apart? brings together scholars and teachers from around the world who examine foreign language education from general requirements through advanced literature and film courses to study abroad, showing how to enable the success of students with disabilities at every step of the way. Chapters explore the nature of language itself, the best avenues toward acquiring proficiency, and the lives of disabled people at home and abroad. Worlds Apart? Disability and Foreign Language Learning offers fresh, new perspectives on the inquiries into culture and diversity undertaken in the academy today. Edited by Tammy Berberi, Elizabeth C. Hamilton, and Ian M. Sutherland.
7. IOM Releases Research Priorities In Emergency Preparedness January 28, 2008; National Academies Press
The Institutes of Medicine is releasing Research Priorities in Emergency Preparedness and Response for Public Health Systems: A Letter Report that defines a set of near-term research priorities for emergency preparedness and response in public health systems that will be used by the Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response to help develop a research agenda that will in turn be used to inform research funding opportunity announcements. Authors: Bruce M. Altevogt, Andrew M. Pope, Martha N. Hill, and Kenneth I. Shine, Editors, Committee on Research Priorities in Emergency Preparedness and Response for Public Health Systems, Institute of Medicine. To get a free PDF or read online, visit http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12136
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cancer Cure 'May Be Available In Two Years'
"Cancer sufferers could be cured with injections of immune cells from other people within two years, scientists say.
US researchers have been given the go-ahead to give patients transfusions of “super strength” cancer-killing cells from donors.
Dr Zheng Cui, of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, has shown in laboratory experiments that immune cells from some people can be almost 50 times more effective in fighting cancer than in others."
To view this entire article, please click the title above.
PRO-Parents Upcoming Events
1/24/2008 7:00 pm
ADD / ADHD Workshop
Cross Community Church of the Nazarene
5391 Dorchester Road, North Charleston, SC 29418
Contact: Gayle Munn, PRO-Parents of SC at 1-866-863-1512
2/05/2008 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Workshop
Sponsored by: Kershaw County Foster Parent Association
DSS Office, 110 East DeKalb Street, Camden, SC
Contact: Gayle Munn, PRO-Parents of SC at 1-866-863-1512
2/05/2008 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Workshop
Sponsored by: Dillon Foster Parent Association
DSS Office Dillon, SC
Contact: Melinda Hawk, PRO-Parents of SC at 1-866-863-1512
Positive Behavior Interventions (PBI) Workshop
Sponsored by: Berkeley County Foster Parent Association
Western Sizzlen, Highway 52. Moncks Corner, SC
Contact: Melinda Hawk, PRO-Parents of SC at 1-866-863-1512
2/09/2008 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Workshop
Newberry Family Resource Center
The Master's Baptist Church, Whitmire, SC
Contact: Susan Bruce, PRO-Parents of SC
To register call: 1-800-759-4776 or (803) 772-5688
For more information, please click the title above.
Family Connection Academy
Family Connection Academy is being held Friday, February 22 and Saturday, February 23! APPLICATIONS DUE BY FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2008!!!!!
Are you a parent, grandparent or sibling that has done an incredible job with your relative with special needs and is ready to take the next step as a leader for other families currently going through what you have experienced? Family Connection of South Carolina (FCSC) would like to invite you to be a part of the inaugural Family Connection Academy. Family Connection is a parent-to-parent organization that believes in the principle that parents/relatives with shared experiences are uniquely qualified to help each other. This Academy is for parents or immediate relatives who are strong leaders or advocates, and desire to enhance their knowledge base on important issues like insurance and statewide resources. You will receive special parent driven training to equip you with even more information and skills and to build on your already established leadership abilities.
FCSC will select only 30 parents/relatives statewide to attend the Academy. Anyone interested in participating in the Academy is required to submit an application and provide references. We see this as an incredibly important volunteer endeavor that could greatly multiply the capacity of parents supporting other parents in our many rural communities and across our state.
The first two-day training will be in conjunction with our ‘Of Hopes and Dreams Conference’ on February 22-23, 2008. FCSC will cover the expenses for all meals, travel and hotel. The only expense Academy participants will need to pay is the registration fee for the conference on Saturday, February 23rd ($30).
Please call or e-mail W.C. Hoecke (parent of child with Down syndrome) at 800-578-8750 / wchoecke@familyconnectionSC.org for more information. All applications must be received in the FCSC office by Friday, January 25, 2008.
We are very grateful for all parents that dedicate their life to improving the lives of our greatest gifts. If you are not able to participate, but know another person who would fit perfectly with this opportunity please pass along the information.
Click on the following link or cut and paste into your web-browser for the application: http://www.familyconnectionsc.org/public/files/docs/PARENT_INFORMATION_FORM.doc
For more information, please click the title above.
Disability Awareness Day: Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in volunteering in Disability Awareness Day at Rosewood Elementary on Thursday, March 20, ANY TIME BETWEEN 8 am and 1pm, please contact Stephie Bridgers at stephaniebridgers@familyconnectionsc.org
Friends of RCPL Book Sale
The Friends of RCPL (Richland County Public Library) book sale is this weekend at the Operations Center on Lancewood Rd. This is the old St. Andrews branch... It is located across Bush River Rd from Dutch Square, behind the Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union. If you are a reader or know someone who is, this is a GREAT place to get books. We have fiction, classics, biography, history, travel, religion, parenting, Southern, cookbooks, children's, books on CD, some DVDs (and lots of VHS tapes), etc. Prices start at 50 cents for paperbacks and $1 for hardbacks.
The sale is Saturday 9-3. If you join the Friends, you can shop the Friday night sale 6:30-8:30 (you can join at the door). Go to link below for more info.
For more information, please click the title above.
Please contact Kim Conant, if you can help at specialneeds@palpeds.com
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Reminder: 2008 Family Connection Conference Approaching
The 2008 Family Connection 'Of Hopes and Dreams' Conference, expanded to two days of workshops, will be held on February 22 and 23 at the Brookland Banquet and Conference Center in West Columbia, South Carolina. The theme of this year's conference is "Pulling Together... It Works Wonders!"
The 'Of Hopes and Dreams' Conference brings parents and professionals together to learn about issues and topics concerning those who raise children with special needs.
This year's conference will also feature a family night social on Friday night at EdVenture Children's Museum. The family night social is a great opportunity for families to meet, greet, and enjoy fun, food, and EdVenture Children's Museum. You do not need to be registered for the conference in order to attend the family night social.
Friday's conference offers three workshop options, and Saturday's conference offers 19 workshops.
This year's keynote speaker is Dr. Mark Posey, associate professor of clinical pediatrics in the department of developmental pediatrics in the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. A licensed and certified school psychologist, Mark has 12 years of experience in the public school system working with all areas of special needs, including parents of children with special needs.
To register for this year's conference, please call (800) 578-8750 or complete the registration form at http://familyconnectionsc.org/programs/annual_conference/ and mail to Family Connection, 2712 Middleburg Drive, Suite 103B, Columbia, SC 29204.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Parenting and Policymaking: Dads and disabilities
November 27, 2007
By Devon Copeland
"Kevin Crain still remembers feeling shocked and fearing the unknown when his daughter Rachel was born with Down syndrome. His and his wife tried to navigate the medical care, eduction and bureaucracy on their own. But when the private school his daughter was attending said they didn't have the resources to handle her disability, Crain sought help.
"For one weekend a month for the next five months, Crain will join 21 others for a Partners in Policymaking class. The program, which is free to S.C. residents, trains adults with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities to better navigate the maze of federal regulations, doctor visits and school conferences. Crain's enrollment in the class symbolizes a trend among the participants. Four fathers are enrolled in this session's class, which began earlier this month, marking the program's largest father enrollment in one session. Of the program's 200 graduates since 1997, 11 have been fathers.
It's becoming increasingly common to see fathers participate in support groups and classes to help them find their roles in a family with a disabled child. Parents in Policymaking is available to mothers and fathers, and participants said learning about to better advocate for children is a role both parents can - and should - play."
The complete article is available for a fee by clicking the title above.
Want to know more about the Partners in Policymaking program? Contact PRO-Parents at (803) 772-5688 or go to http://www.proparents.org/pip.html
Strides for Autism
Walks Across South Carolina
April 12, 2008
Saturday Morning 8AM-11:30AM
Greenville Technical College - Barton Campus
May 10, 2008
Saturday Morning 8AM-11:30AM
Finlay Park, Columbia
Lace up your sneakers, bring the family and have some fun as we take Strides for Autism
Contact Barbara MacWilliams at SCAS 806 12th Street, West Columbia, SC 29169 * (800) 438-4790 ext. 120
For more information, please click the title above.
Monday, January 14, 2008
SCATP Expo 2008
South Carolina Assistive Technology Expo 2008
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
March 19, 2008
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Family Connection Academy Needs You!
Are you a parent, grandparent or sibling that has done an incredible job with your relative with special needs and is ready to take the next step as a leader for other families currently going through what you have experienced? Family Connection of South Carolina (FCSC) would like to invite you to be a part of the inaugural
FCSC will select only 30 parents/relatives statewide to attend the Academy. Anyone interested in participating in the Academy is required to submit an application (see attachment) and provide references. We see this as an incredibly important volunteer endeavor that could greatly multiply the capacity of parents supporting other parents in our many rural communities and across our state.
The first two-day training will be in conjunction with our ‘Of Hopes and Dreams Conference’ on February 22-23, 2008. FCSC will cover the expenses for all meals, travel and hotel. The only expense Academy participants will need to pay is the registration fee for the conference on Saturday, February 23rd ($30).
Please call or e-mail W.C. Hoecke (parent of child with Down syndrome) at 800-578-8750 / wchoecke@familyconnectionSC.org for more information. All applications must be received in the FCSC office by Friday, January 21, 2008.
We are very grateful for all parents that dedicate their life to improving the lives of our greatest gifts. If you are not able to participate, but know another person who would fit perfectly with this opportunity please pass along the information.
Click on the following link or cut and paste into your web-browser for the application:
SCAPT Training Schedule
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Introduction to Vantage/Vanguard
9:00am - 3:30pm
Poplar Conference Room, Midlands Center, Columbia Presenter:
Presenter: Gina Greene, M.S.P., CCC-SLP, Regional
Consultant/Augmentative Communication Specialist, Prentke Romich Company
This workshop will provide the speech-language
pathologist, facilitator, parent or other person
interested in AAC with a thorough understanding
of Vantage and Vanguard through their operation,
customization of vocabulary and instructional strategies and techniques.
Registration: To register for this workshop, call
the Prentke Romich Company at 1-800-262-1984 and
ask for Kay Keener This class is limited to 12 people.
Cost: Free. This program is approved by ASHA for
0.5 CEUs (Introductory level, Professional area)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"Active Learning and Study Strategies using the Kurzweil 3000 Software"
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Poplar Conference Room, Midlands Center, Columbia
Presenter: Edna Beard - Kurzweil Consultant and Reseller in the Carolinas
Workshop Description: If you already have
Kurzweil 3000 or are just thinking about
purchasing it - this workshop will help to
clarify just how the Kurzweil 3000 can be used to
help struggling students. The Kurzweil 3000 is a
content-independent reading, writing, and
learning software. It is used in elementary
schools, middle schools, high schools and
colleges and universities to help students
succeed in the classroom regardless of their curriculum or lesson plans.
The attendees will be shown activities using the
Kurzweil 3000 to teach learning strategies for
pre-reading skills, vocabulary development,
active reading strategies, writing and
proofreading, and test taking skills. In
demonstrating these activities the presenter will
be providing an overview of how this product can
be used with any struggling student.
Each attendee will receive a demo
copy of the Professional Color software, a
product overview brochure, and a copy of
"Scientifically-Based Research Validating
Kurzweil 3000 - An Annotated Review of Current
Research Supporting the Use of Kurzweil 3000 in the Classroom."
To register for this workshop:
Option 1: Complete the online registration form at www.sc.edu/scatp/regform.htm
Option 2: Email Sally Young at youngs@cdd.sc.edu
Option 3: Call Sally Young at (803) 935-5263 or 800-915-4522.
Option 4: Fax your registration information to
(803) 935-5342. Please include your name,
organization, address, email address, phone.
This workshop is free of charge, but is limited to 12 attendees.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
“Making Books Talk for Beginning, Struggling, or Non-Readers”
9:00am - 3:30 pm
Collaborative Training Center, Midlands Center, Columbia
Presenter: Ken Whitley, B.S., M.A., CCC-SLP, Key Technologies, Inc.
Workshop Description: Many persons have
difficulty reading. These may be pre-literate
children, non-readers exhibiting cognitive
involvement, or those exhibiting learning
difficulties. This does not mean, however, that
these persons are not interested in books,
magazines, newspapers, or text-based materials on the internet.
Tools now exist that turn printed text (paper or
on-screen) into talking text. Other tools can be
used to create talking on-screen books using
personalized graphics, sounds, and videos. This
workshop will explore how to make text-based
materials usable, effective, and enjoyable for
persons who are either non-literate or who
struggle with literacy. Tools to be examined
include the BookWorm, SwitchIt! Maker 2, My Own
Book Shelf, IntelliTools Classroom Suite, and WYNN.
Participants will learn about:
Non-computer tools that employ recordings to make books talk
Tools that are used to create on-screen talking books
Tools which can convert paper or onscreen text
into talking text through the use of OCR scanning
Using your own digital pictures, videos, and
recordings in creating talking books
Please note: This is a literacy workshop, not a blind/low vision workshop.
Cost: $30.00, payable to Key Technologies through
pre-registration. To register, print out the
registration form from link on the SCATP Training
Schedule page at
Print, complete and fax or mail to Key
Technologies. For questions, call Key
Technologies at 888-433-5303. This workshop is
limited to 60 participants and requires a minimum
of 25 participants pre-registered in order to be held.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Pee Dee School District AT Team Forum
9:00am - 3:00pm
Pee Dee Education Center, Florence
Moderated by Janet Jendron, SCATP
If you are thinking about starting an AT team or
already have one in place, this is a great
opportunity to learn from other AT Teams! Come
join us to learn about the various successes,
barriers, challenges and more that AT teams
around the state have faced. Also, hear about the
latest free tools that can help your struggling
students and those with disabilities from SC
Discus, SC Streamline and Recordings for the
Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D). We'll also look at
the SCATP CD ROM "South Carolina Curriculum
Access through Assistive Technology," which will
be available (free) to all attendees. This
workshop is open to teachers, therapists and
school personnel from any school district
throughout the state, but if space becomes a
limiting factor, preference will be given to
personnel from the Pee Dee and Low Country Regions."
To register: Call Mary Jo Schneider at
843-661-4836, email Mary Jo Schneider, or use the
online registration form on the SCATP Training
Schedule Page at http://www.sc.edu/scatp/trainingschedule08.html.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Low Country School District AT Team Forum
9:00am - 3:00pm
Technical College of the Low Country, Bluffton
Moderated by Janet Jendron, SCATP
If you are thinking about starting an AT team or
already have one in place, this is a great
opportunity to learn from other AT Teams! Come
join us to learn about the various successes,
barriers, challenges and more that AT teams
around the state have faced. Also, hear about the
latest free tools that can help your struggling
students and those with disabilities from SC
Discus, SC Streamline and Recordings for the
Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D). We'll also look at
the SCATP CD ROM "South Carolina Curriculum
Access through Assistive Technology," which will
be available (free) to all attendees. This
workshop is open to teachers, therapists and
school personnel from any school district
throughout the state, but if space becomes a
limiting factor, preference will be given to
personnel from the Pee Dee and Low Country Regions."
To register: Call Mary Jo Schneider at
843-661-4836, email Mary Jo Schneider, or use the
online registration form on the SCATP Training
Schedule Page at http://www.sc.edu/scatp/trainingschedule08.html.
For more information, please click the title above.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Free Up-and-coming Pro-Parents Events
Special Education Law and Advocacy
Presented by:
Peter Wright, Esq.
February 27th, 2008
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
SC State Museum
301 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Sponsored by:
PRO-Parents of South Carolina
652 Bush River Road
Suite 203
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Telephone: (800) 759-4776 (toll-free)
Telephone: (803) 772-5688 (local)
Peter Wright is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College and received his law degree from the University of Richmond.
Mr. Wright has practiced special education law since the 1970's. In 1993, he represented Shannon Carter before the U. S. Supreme Court in Florence County v. Shannon Carter (510 U.S. 7). He is the co-author of several books, including Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind, and Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004.
Registration Information
FREE registration includes a copy of:
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition
Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
(retail value $50.00)
- 6.0 hours of CLE credit pending.
- 6.0 CEU’s available from University of South Carolina for an additional $8.00.
Note: If you are a person with a disability and require accommodations, please discuss your needs with Heather Watson-Kelley by telephone at: 1-800-759-4776, or by e-mail at: hwkelley@proparents.org.
***Registration is free to SC residents and $30.00 for out of state participants.***
Registration Deadline: February 16th, 2008
Chris Dendy Back by Popular Demand.
Will be here in Columbia April 4th, 2008 at Midlands Technical College – Airport location.
Chris is a parent, school psychologist, advocate, and author of several books including best seller
“Teaching Teens with ADHD.”
This One Day seminar will include:
- Understanding ADD and ADHD
- Executive Function
- School Success
- A teen Panel (true expert in the field)
- Teaching Strategies
Registration is FREE; but space is limited; register early.
Books will be on sale during the seminar. Register online, by mail, or by fax. Contact us at: (803) 772-5688 ext. 103, by fax (803) 772-5341, by e-mail: hwkelley@proparents.org.