1) Seminars@Hadley Presents: Parenting Blind: Tips and Techniques from the Trenches
Are you a blind or visually impaired new parent, longtime parent, soon to be a parent, or grandparent? No matter where you are in the parenting journey questions, including those about assistive technology, arise. Bring your stories and questions of your own to this open 90 minute discussion. If you have a question you'd like to ask the panel, send it along in advance to feedback@hadley.edu.
Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM CDT, 19:00 GMT
Registration: Prior registration required. Space in this seminar is limited. Please only register if you know you are available to attend so that others are not closed out.
Moderator: Hadley Senior Vice President Dawn Turco
Panelists: Tom Babinszki, Sharon Howerton, Sue Melrose and Vicky Prahin are all visually impaired Hadley staff or faculty and active parents with sighted children at a variety of ages.
2) Seminars@Hadley Presents: iReading on the iPad and iPhone Using the Bookshare Read2go App
Bookshare is a wonderful way to download and enjoy digital books on your computer. The Bookshare Read2go app gives you the freedom to download and listen to books, magazines and newspapers directly on your iPad or iPhone while you are on the go! A question and answer session will be included as part of the seminar.
Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Time: 11:00 AM CDT, 16:00 GMT
Registration: Prior registration is required. Space in this seminar is limited. Please only register if you know you are available to attend so that others are not closed out.
Presenter: Douglas Walker, Hadley’s instructor of Assistive Technology
Moderators: Hadley's Dean of Educational Programs and Instruction Doug Anzlovar