Thursday, June 27, 2024

NADD Newsletter, Conference Registration


Register now and save. Prices will increase after August 21, 2024. 
Details can be found in our registration brochure


Dr. Julie Gentile, Wright State University of Psychiatry
The Future of Psychiatry for IDD: The Four Keys to Success
The intricacies of Suicide Prevention in ID will be presented, as well as Interventional Psychiatry techniques to treat Mental Health Conditions. Specific areas of pharmacologic management with which to use caution in this specialized population will be reviewed. The presenter will discuss technological interventions and counseling adaptations shown to be effective in patients with ID, traumatic brain injury, and other cognitive impairments. Results of the Global ID COVID-19 Research Project will be reviewed.

Lou Radja, EduCongo, Inc. 
When the Music Changes, So Does the Dance!
There is no doubt that the global health pandemic turned our lives (and workplaces) upside down. As we navigate side effects such as stress, quiet quitting, health challenges, burnout, and staff turnover, we are presented with unique opportunities to elevate excellence and innovation within our IDD/MH communities. This session will explore systemic redesign in a post-pandemic world. We will discuss ideas for tapping into the collective genius using synergistic collaborations. We will explore the “If We Build It, They Will Stay” engagement model and how focusing on factors that make everyone on your team a unique contributor can help to create an engaging work environment that minimizes staff turnover. Change will either happen to you or for you. We will discover how to leverage change in your organization to strengthen your teams and elevate the services you provide by viewing change as an asset rather than a liability. Let us put our dancing shoes and optimize change to better serve our employees and the IDD/MH community. 

Do you know someone who should be honored for their contributions to the field of Dual Diagnosis?  Nominate them for an award!
Award winners will be announced in Tempe!
Each year, NADD grants awards to individuals who have made significant contributions in the field of dual diagnosis and through their work with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental health needs. Click below to learn more about the award categories and to make your nominations!
Nomination Deadline is July 8, 2024


Improving Support: ACL Blog

Led by four national organizations (including NADD), The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has created The Link Center! The center focuses on building partnerships and facilitating information-sharing across systems. Learn more about the wonderful work being done in the ACL Blog article"Improving Support for People With Mental Health Conditions and Other Disabilities" by ACL's Dana Fink.

The Link Center Presents: A Conversation With People With Disabilities About Sexual Violence and Call to Action for State Agencies

Monday, July 8, 2024 | 2:00 PM ET

This webinar, hosted by The Link Center in partnership with other federal agencies, will highlight the prevalence of sexual assault in the disability community and the unique dynamics and barriers survivors with disabilities experience when seeking support. It will feature sexual assault survivors with disabilities, as well as state officials and other individuals who have been leading efforts to improve access to care and support services. The panelists will share their experiences and recommendations for concrete actions that leaders can take to improve services in their states. The target audience is state mental health, developmental disability, and head injury administrators.

People with disabilities, especially those with cognitive disabilities, including I/DD and brain injury, experience sexual assault at much higher rates than nondisabled people. They also encounter challenges receiving care and support services due to pervasive accessibility barriers.

The goal of this webinar is to raise awareness of these issues among key leaders from state agencies that support people with disabilities.

Florida Study Seeks Participants

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) has partnered with the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD) on the Access to Services Through Knowledge (ASK) Research Project. The ultimate goal of the ASK Project is to build an accessible online platform that will serve as a trusted source of services and programs in the state of Florida for caregivers of a person with an intellectual or developmental disability.  

Are you a family member of an individual with IDD? Participate in the ASK Project and help shape the future of support for individuals with IDD in Florida! Sessions are available in-person and virtually. 

For Questions Contact Dr. Kristin McGill, Project Manager for the ASK Project Study at or (503) 479-5818

Register through July 2024


Nisonger Center
Clinical Trials

The Ohio State University: Nisonger Center is conducting studies that research medication targeting core symptoms and associated symptoms in adults and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The IRIS Study: Ages 12-25. Aims to improve social communication in adolescents and adults with ASD.
Intra-cellular: Ages 5-17. Aims to reduce irritability in adolescents with ASD.
EuMentis: Ages 18-30. Aims to improve social functioning and core symptoms of ASD in adults.
If you are interested in one of these research studies, please call (614) 688-3375, or email


NADD is currently accepting applications for The Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities Editor-in-Chief position. This role is a great opportunity for an academic with a strong research background in mental health, as well as intellectual and developmental disabilities, and who also has the commitment, drive and ability to help further develop the profile of the journal and its impact in research in the field of Intellectual Developmental Disabilities.

JMHRID is sponsored by NADD. The Editor will work  alongside NADD in the promotion and management of the journal, with the assistance of a dedicated NADD staff member who will provide editorial support on the journal.

Applications will be accepted through July 2024
Interviews will be held September 2024
Term will begin January 2025

Associate Editors

The Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities is recruiting academically active, innovative, and ambitious individuals to become Associate Editors. The JMHRID, is committed to publishing interdisciplinary, contemporary and original research regarding treatment and supports for people with dual diagnoses.

For more information, please contact:


CMS Announces $500 Million Funding Opportunity

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced that $500 million in grants will be available to increase the number of organizations that help people to enroll in health coverage through Community-based organizations focusing on education and outreach, with underserved and diverse communities are especially encouraged to apply.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Family Connection SC, Regional McKinney-Vento Summits


Monday, June 24, 2024

SCATP, K12 Digital Accessibility Boot Camp

The South Carolina Assistive Technology Program (SCATP) and the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE)  is hosting the South Carolina K12 Digital Accessibility Boot Camp on July 16-18, at SCETV, 1401 George Rogers Blvd., Columbia, South Carolina 29201. The boot camp is for all school district educators and staff. The training is free. Participants must register to attend.

Please use the following links:

July 16th – Virtual/ In-Person (Hybrid)

July 17th – In-Person only

July 18th – In-Person only

Attend in person to: 

  • Learn valuable information in  interactive technology sessions

  • Network with other districts 

  • Obtain free CEUs will be provided

  • Be entered to win cool door prizes 

  • Visit the State Museum on us-more details to come for registrants

Lunch will be provided all 3 days.


Rachell Johnson, MCD., CCC-SLP, ATP

Program Manager

SC Assistive Technology Program

Center for Disability Resources

8301 Farrow Road

Columbia, SC 29203

Phone: 803-935-5301 | Fax: 803-935-5342 | ​Toll Free: 800-915-4522



Using Standard Video Magnifiers to Build Custom Solutions – Lunch & Learn

07-23-2024 - Using Standard Video Magnifiers to Build Custom Solutions – Lunch & Learn

Type: In person
Date: July 23, 2024
Time: 12-2 p.m.
Cost: Free (Registration is required.) 
About the Program
Target Audience: Educators K-12, Colleges, Universities, Community Colleges, Technical Colleges
Participants Will Learn:
  1. Define four visual needs of your target audience.
  2. Discuss how each product in the presentation can meet at least three of the visual needs of your target audience.
  3. Recommend a system using two or more video magnifiers that meet the needs of your target audience.
About the Presenter
Kimberly Cline
Director of Sales, LVI America
If you have any questions about this upcoming event, please contact:
Tammy Wallace 803-935-5276