Winston's Wish, a Foundation of Love for Children with Autism, is proud to
announce Dr. Vincent Carbone's return to South Carolina!
As the first presenter in the Foundation's groundbreaking Education Series,
Dr. Carbone will return to Columbia, South Carolina September 19-21, 2007 to
present his Workshop 1, Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism or
Other Developmental Disabilities.
Attached is a brochure with information and the registration for the
Workshop. Please feel free to pass this along to friends, family, therapists, other
educators - anyone who you think might be interested.
Space is limited so register early! The cost is $225.00 per person, but if
you register BEFORE AUGUST 19, 2007, it is ONLY $150.00! Our website,, is also accepting registrations. We will be updating
it often so check back frequently! You can register for Dr. Carbone's
workshop online and we will soon be posting more information on dining choices and
hotel accommodations should you need a place to hang your hat while you visit
us in Columbia!
While you are online, take a moment to read the PDD waiver Update Report
provided by DDSN today, August 7. It is located under Advocacy and Legislation.
It will provide you with a wealth of information regarding the history,
implementation and current status of the Medicaid/DDSN Pervasive Development
Disorder, along with a brief overview of what they are expecting in 2008.
Winston's Wish Foundation was established in the Fall of 2006 by the family
and friends of Winston Hagy Ridley. Our mission is to enable every child with
autism in South Carolina and their families to thrive! We will offer new
educational opportunities and resources while promoting a heightened awareness
and deeper understanding of autism in the greater community. In the future,
Winston's Wish Foundation, together with community partners, will create the
Palmetto Center for Autism, a state-of-the-art treatment clinic for children
with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Thanks so much for helping us get the word out! We are truly excited to
offer this opportunity to the education, medical and Autism communities.
Marcella Hagy Ridley,
Winston's Wish Foundation
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