Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hopes and Dreams Conference 2021: Register Now!

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Hopes and Dreams Conference 2021 May 24th to May 27th banner image

Register today for this year's 
Hopes and Dreams Conference! 

Don't miss our expert guest speakers, session hosts and exhibitors!

Monday, May 24 ♦  Lunes, 24 de mayo 

10:00 - 11:30 am: Early Childhood 

The impact of the Routines-Based Interview 

A dive into the Routines-Based Interview. Learn a brief history, structure of the session, and how the practice has improved Early Intervention services for families. 

2:00 - 3:30 pm: Child and Youth  

Advocacy in Motion 

State Child Advocate and Department of Children’s Advocacy Director Amanda Whittle shares the agency’s efforts to build traction, momentum and sustainability for a vision of reform to improve outcomes for children. 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Parent  

SKIN DEEP? The Impact of Scars 

Participants will be introduced to the formation of scars as well as how scars can impact both physical and psychological wellbeing. 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Español 

Medicaid 101: Entendiendo TEFRA 

Este taller provee un vistazo general acerca de Medicaid y la eligibilidad para TEFRA. 

Tuesday, May 25 ♦ Martes, 25 de mayo 

10:00 - 11:30 am: Early Childhood  

Reflective Supervision Basics 

Learn the components of reflective supervision and how it connects to your work as an early childhood professional. Participate in a live reflective supervision “fishbowl” and discussion. 

2:00 - 3:30 pm: Child and Youth 

Homelessness and the Child, the Family and the Community 

Homelessness as defined by  the McKinney-Vento Act and requirements of the law. Session also looks at how homelessness and living affects a student's developing brain. 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Parent 

Guardianships and Alternatives to Guardianships 

Overview with examples of current SC law regarding guardianships and  common alternatives to guardianships with Q & A with Kirby Mitchell, the medical legal partnership (MLP)’s Legal Director. 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Español 

Introducción a los Programas de Servicios de Exención del Hogar y de la Comunidad de Medicaid (HCBS, por sus siglas en inglés) 

Este taller proveerá una mirada rápida a las exenciones (waivers) de Medicaid. 

Wednesday, May 26 ♦ Miércoles, 26 de mayo 

10:00 - 11:30 am: Early Childhood 

Learn the Ropes: Children’s Language, Speech, and Literacy 

This presentation will inform early childcare providers of features and characteristics that represent typical milestones for speech, language, and literacy development among young children. 

2:00 - 3:30 pm: Child and Youth  

Stinky armpits, hair, and periods: tackling puberty with your daughter with special needs 

Participants will become

  • familiar with stages of puberty
  • equipped with strategies to navigate challenges of puberty in girls with special needs
  • familiar with available resources 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Parent  

Family Connection 101 

This informational session is an overview and description of resources and services Family Connection of SC provides for children and youth with disabilities and special healthcare needs in South Carolina.  

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Español 

Manejando Comportamientos Difíciles en Niños Pequeños 

Este taller incluirá un breve antecedente de los niños diagnosticados con el trastorno espectro autista y otros desordenes neurológicos en niños en edad preescolar y el comportamiento disruptivo. 

Thursday, May 27 ♦ Jueves, 27 de mayo 

10:00 - 11:30 am: Early Childhood 

Early Experiences Matter: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health 

Infant and early childhood mental health is a rapidly expanding field. This presentation provides an  overview of infant mental health and concepts behind how experiences impact a child even before they are born. 

2:00 - 3:30 pm: Child and Youth 

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect 

This training is designed for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, and professionals who have frequent contact with children, who play a key role in protecting children by identifying possible maltreatment and reporting it to the agencies responsible for investigation and intervention. 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Parent 

Five fun, powerful ways  to give children a great start in life. 

80% of a child’s brain growth happens in the first three years of life.  From birth, young brains develop like muscles, getting bigger and stronger the more you interact with them. The Palmetto Basics are 5 fun, simple, powerful ways to help young brains grow! 

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Español 

Herramienta de Viaje: El Poder de la Organización 

Los padres aprenderán como manejar la abrumadora cantidad de documentos creada por los servicios médicos y educacionales. Esta herramienta organizacional facilita la comunicación entre padres y profesionales para alcanzar los mejores resultados médicos y educacionales de los niños con necesidades de salud especiales o discapacidades. 

Exhibitors from organizations across the state will host interactive sessions to present new information and answer questions and concerns. Exhibitors: deadline to register is May 14th--register now! 

Attendees Register Here!

More Conference Schedule Details

Usted puede registrarse en este enlace: 

Si necesita ayuda para registrarse en español, 

por favor contacte a Annia Knight  

(803) 995 1568 o  

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