Tuesday, July 24, 2007

High-Tech Bionic Hand Invented in England

London, July 19 (UPI)-The new, high-tech i-LIMB bionic hand, with five motorized fingers, will soon be sold in Britain for about $17,000, The Telegraph reported Thursday.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Getting in Touch: Virtual Maps For the Blind

Researchers in Greece have developed a new system that converts video into virtual, touchable maps for the blind. The three-dimensional maps use force fields to represent walls and roads so the visually impaired can better understand the layout of buildings and cities.

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Scientists Eye an Enzyme as Target in Fighting Autism

Autism Brain
Chicago (AFP)-U.S. researchers have reversed the symptoms of mental retardation and autism in mice by inhibiting an enzyme that affects the connections between brain cells.

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