Monday, June 11, 2007

A Wider Range of Sounds for the Deaf

Auditory ImplantScienceDaily--"More than three decades ago, scientists pursued the then radical idea of implanting tiny electronic hearing devices in the inner ear to help profoundly deaf people. An even bolder alternative that promised superior results-implanting a device directly in the auditory nerve-was set aside as too difficult, given the technology of the day.

Now, however, scientists have shown in animals that it's possible to implant a tiny, ultra-thin electrode array in the auditory nerve that can successfully transmit a wide range of sounds to the brain."

To view this entire article, please click the title above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this article. It's so amazing how many things scientists and doctors can do for people with hearing and sight loss. Just imagine what it will be like in another century.