Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Service Dogs May Help Autistic Children

Service Dogs May Help Autistic Children
Many Parents Who Spoke to ABC News Raved About Their Experience With the Dog Therapy
April 1, 2008

"On Matthew Plunk's third birthday, his parents, Jeff and Jennifer, received some life-changing news: Their son had autism.
Matthew Ajax
Matthew Plunk's parents say they have seen a vast improvement in their autistic son since he got a service dog.

The diagnosis came as no surprise to the Plunks, who had long struggled to contain their son's emotional outbursts and antisocial behaviors.

"He had a lot of fears," said Jennifer. "Just a truck going by would make him want to climb up you."

After years of trying different therapies and experimental diets for Matthew, the Plunks noticed he had made significant progress but still suffered from intense anxiety and difficulty interacting with strangers.

"The biggest thing I was looking for [was] a calmness for Matthew," said Jennifer. "His mind is just going 90 miles an hour. It's like his foot is always on the gas pedal."

So when Matthew was 6, Jennifer went online in search of something else she hoped could help him -- a dog. She had heard about service dogs specially trained to work with children with autism so she researched a program that would help her find a canine companion for Matthew."

NOTE: To read the rest of this article, click on the title above.

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