Friday, October 11, 2013

AAC Language Lab: Unlocking the Door to the Room of Possibility

The AAC Language Lab is a comprehensive web resource designed to support language development and promote communication through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). While continuing to support clinical practice, the NEW AAC Language Lab provides tools that reach beyond clinical environments to support communication and language development at school, work, and home. “Let’s Talk AAC” blog features tips on implementation, AAC success stories, and real-life stories from AAC Communicators in Action. 

One of these real-life stories on the "Let's Talk AAC" blog sees Laura Kane ask the question "when is an argument with your son cause for celebration? She answers, "when your son is a 4-year-old with autism who has never spoken a word in his life!" To read this insightful and inspiring blog post visit

To learn more, please click on the above title.
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