Monday, February 10, 2014

AbleNet University: QIAT Session 6: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of AT

February 12, 2014 11:30am CST - 60 minutes 
Title: QIAT Session 6: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of AT 
Description: This QIAT area addresses the evaluation of the effectiveness of the AT devices and services provided to individual students. It includes data collection, documentation and analysis to monitor changes in student performance resulting from the implementation of assistive technology services. Student performance is reviewed in order to identify if, when, or where modifications and revisions to the AT implementation plan are needed. If you need resources to support evaluation of effective AT services, or if you are not sure about your role in the local team process, this session will be of value. The QIAT Leadership Team will share the Quality Indicators for Evaluation of Effectiveness. We will provide strategies for options to support effective practice, and principles to guide improvement at the building or district or level. 
Category: Assistive Technology
Presenter: Jane Korsten & Terry Foss of 
Cost: FREE

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