Friday, January 23, 2015

iPhones Helping Seniors

This training is brought to you by the SC Assistive Technology Program
We still have a few seats available for this training. Sign up today!

iPhones Helping Seniors

Time:  10:00am – 11:30am
Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Cost: Free, but pre-registration is required.
Presenter:    Carol Page, PhD, CCC-SLP, ATP, Program Manager, SC Assistive Technology Program    
Location:  SC Assistive Technology Resource Center, Poplar Building, Midlands Center, 8301 Farrow Road, Columbia, SC

Description:  iPhones have software and many useful features that can help seniors with physical or age-related disabilities. This workshop will review basics of how to set up an account and how to download software or “apps.” Strategies for finding apps that will meet your needs will be reviewed. Bring your own iPhone if you have one!

To register for this workshop: 

Complete the iPhones Helping Seniors online registration form.

This workshop has a maximum of 15 participants.

To access the CDR Library:

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