Thursday, May 18, 2017

Free Training Opportunities for Educators and School Staff through June 30

colorful picture of communication items like phones, tvs, computer, mail, pictures that say ring, ring,

The duration and time of day for each training can be tailored to fit the needs of professionals in your respective school or district. 

Choose from three great training topics 

  1. Social Security Benefits and Employment: Learn the nuts and bolts of what going to work may (and may not!) mean for your students who receive Social Security benefits. This training will equip professionals with the knowledge they need to challenge common misconceptions about SSI/SSDI and employment, available work incentives for beneficiaries, and the community resources available to provide one-on-one support to beneficiaries and their families.
  2. Supported Decision Making and Alternatives to Guardianship: While the evidence base for self-determination and decision making support for young adults with disabilities is expansive, the rate of guardianship has tripled in the US over the last 20 years. Studies indicate that most education professionals are largely unaware of what guardianship entails and the potential impacts it may have on post-school opportunities and outcomes for young adults. This training will prepare educators with the awareness they need to ensure that students and families are being provided an array of options for decision making support to maximize positive post-school outcomes.
  3. Self-Determination and Free Resources for Teachers: This training covers the evidence base behind self-determination as an essential set of skills and awareness for empowering students with disabilities in transition and improving post-school outcomes. Educators will be provided an overview of the free, evidence-based tools available for fostering self-determination skills, collecting data alongside SD skill acquisition, and implementing student-led IEPs.

To schedule a training, simply pick one of the above topics and click the button below.  For additional questions please call Charlie Walters at 803-779-5121 ext 133.

Thank you to the SC Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Services for making these training opportunities possible!

Able South Carolina.  Independent living for all

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