Thursday, April 09, 2020

Assistive Technology Offers

SC Assistive Technology Program logo

EyeTech Digital Systems

Regional consultants are continuing to work to provide remote in-service demonstrations of our products to clinicians and ATP who are looking for speech generating devices and alternative access systems for their clients. And our Success Coaches continue to assist our customers with product knowledge and resources for customization, as well as strategies for communication success. We are all available by email, phone, and video conference.

Devices are available for short term loan to clinicians who need to perform evaluation assessments with clients. We can arrange to send clean, sanitized devices to clinicians, or directly to clients who are receiving remote assessments from their clinicians. We have regional consultants who can participate in remote sessions to help with positioning, device settings, and device use during those sessions.



We are providing free access to Fluency Tutor for all educators and students to the end of the school year. Fluency Tutor for Google helps students improve reading fluency while saving busy teachers valuable time. And because it's web-based, it's great for remote learning!  Existing customers can extend access to our full product suite to the end of the school year. 

For both of these offers, and any additional support, please visit:

Informational videos: 
Playlist of videos on how our tools support a remote learning environment:



A literacy and learning platform.  CaptiVoice gives students access to numerous supports and customizations to help them build their vocabulary, comprehension, organization skills, and more! CaptiVoice supports all levels within a school from administrators, teachers, and students. It helps maintain compliance requirements and enables teachers to quickly differentiate material so they have more time to for their students.

CaptiVoice is offering reduced pricing until the end of the 19-20 school year.


APH (American Printing House for the Blind)

Check out all the resources that have been compiled for you by APH.  Explore daily for their listings of free webinars, apps, and activities pertinent to students of all ages (including post-secondary) with vision disabilities.  Among the resources are accessibility tips for Zoom.


Please note: no endorsement of any products and/or accessibility is implied. 

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