Monday, October 19, 2020

Wheelchair Taxi of the Future?

New Mobility magazine logo

The magazine for active wheelchair users 

October 15, 2020

Cooking from a Wheelchair

When the pandemic turned dining out into a gamble with her health, novice cook Katie Pennick found herself with a lot to learn in the kitchen. The experience led her to start a new YouTube show, Cooking in a Wheelchair, which focuses on what she calls “low-effort” meals that minimize prep and cleanup or have built-in rest breaks. Check it out if you need new recipe ideas or tips for tackling some of the challenges of cooking while seated. 

Taxi of the Future?

What has four legs, walks like a Gila monster and rescues wheelchair users from inaccessible buildings? No, this isn’t a joke. It’s Hyundai’s new idea for an “ultimate mobility vehicle.” This fun and freaky-looking contraption uses a combination of wheels and articulating limbs to traverse terrain that an ordinary car would never be able to. Seems like a rather far-fetched way around a concrete ramp, but Lexus made a real-deal hoverboard a few years ago, so who knows what’s next? Join the NM Facebook conversation about it here. 


The University of Michigan is conducting a study called Developing a Patient-Centered Measure of Caregiver Relationships and is conducting interviews with adults with SCI to learn about their experiences with caregivers. Participating takes around one hour. Those who complete the interview will be compensated $35. For more information, call: (734) 936-1977, send an email to:, or go to:

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