Thursday, December 17, 2020

At-home Wheelchair Fitness on a Budget

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December 16, 2020 

Wheelchair user and personal trainer Ben Clark is an expert on designing fun and intense workouts that you can do with a minimum of gear. He shares his essential home gym equipment (broom handle, anyone?) that can help you get fit without leaving the house or breaking the bank.

While the pressure to meet conventional standards of beauty and health are strong for everyone, Erica Mones argues that the weight of diet culture is felt even more by disabled women. She shares her own journey and thoughts on eating disorders, mental health, compulsive exercise and the dangers of body conformity. 

Sometimes, increasing your independence at home can be simpler than you think. “A good tool doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. It just has to effectively do what you need it to,” writes engineer and C5 quad Stefan Henry. He shares a few of his favorites, from a classic key holder to a spiked cutting board, to a device that offers streamlined control over smart devices, and more. 

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