Monday, February 04, 2008

5 Points Wheel Program

image of car
The 5 Points Wheels program is up and running. This is a FREE transportation program for adults with disabilities or seniors who do not have transportation. If you think you or someone you might know who could benefit please contact Catherine Graham for the following information:

Riders Release: A standard liability form.
Rider Information Form: You must register with the program before
you can ride.
Flyer and Brochure: For information purposes
Operating Map: THIS IS THE CRITICAL ONE!!! The 5 points wheels program operates in the attached "box" area. There is also a Harbison Wheels program operating in the Harbison area and we are working on one in the Northeast.

We want this service utilized. Riders can go to doctor's appointments or anywhere else (e.g. grocery store, shopping, mall, haircut, movie, etc.) The program is limited by the number of volunteer drivers available, so if you know of anyone who would like to volunteer please have them contact Catherine. The drivers must be between 30-75 years old.

To contact Catherine, please call (803) 434-3189 or email her at

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