Thursday, August 07, 2008

Stretchable Silicon Camera Next Step To Artificial Retina

The electronic-eye camera developed by researchers from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Northwestern
University. The array of pixels is visible through the
magnified image created by the lens.
(Credit: Beckman Institute, University of Illinois)

ScienceDaily (Aug. 7, 2008)

"Digital cameras have transformed the world of photography. Now new technology inspired by the human eye could push the photographic image farther forward by producing improved images with a wider field of view. By combining stretchable optoelectronics and biologically inspired design, scientists have created a remarkable imaging device, with a layout based on the human eye.

As reported in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, researchers at the University of Illinois and Northwestern University have developed a high-performance, hemispherical "eye" camera using an array of single-crystalline silicon detectors and electronics, configured in a stretchable, interconnected mesh.

The work opens new possibilities for advanced camera design. It also foreshadows artificial retinas for bionic eyes similar in concept to those in the movie "Terminator" and other popular science fiction.

NOTE: To read the entire article, click on the title above."

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