Tuesday, October 21, 2008


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Dear Friends,

If you love someone with autism, please, contact your state representative and senator NOW and encourage them to maintain funding for the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) Waiver/State- Funded Program. The PDD Waiver provides early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) services in the form of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to children with autism spectrum disorders in South Carolina.

Without the PDD Waiver, hundreds of children with autism across S.C. will be denied the right to live the highest quality and most independent, integrated, and inclusive lives possible.

Not every parent can afford $50,000+ a year for ABA.
Not every child is eligible for insurance coverage through Ryan's Law.
And not every parent can afford the insurance deductibles and co-payments (when their child is eligible for services through Ryan's Law).
It's NOT too late!

Please, visit the following website, follow the simple instructions, and send your personal message to your state representative and senator:

http://www.autismad vocate.org

You just answer a few fill-in-the- blank questions, press a button, and our web site will send a unique and personalized e-mail to your legislators. That's all. It should only take you a few minutes. Best of all, you don't have to search through http://www.scstateh ouse.net to find your legislators because the system automatically detects them from your mailing address.

By doing this, you can give hundreds of children living with autism in South Carolina an opportunity to bridge the developmental gaps with their same-age, typically developing peers -- and a chance to live independently, pursue meaningful careers and relationships, enjoy self-determination and self-sufficiency, and experience full inclusion and integration in society.

Thank you for your help.

Chris Landrum
Proud father of a six-year-old son with autism
http://www.autismad vocate.org

Click on the link above, for more information.

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