Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Friends of Disabled Adults & Children

From Janet Jendron:

I’m making a trip to Atlanta Wednesday morning and am going to drop off a wheel chair to FODAC, Friends of Disabled Adults and Children. If you have equipment you’d like to donate to FODAC, I’d be happy to take it, as I have room in my van. Respond to this email and give me a call if you have something. My cell phone is 803 446-2566. We can arrange for me to pick up or have you deliver the equipment you have. I’m in Columbia.

This might be the time to get a tax donation for equipment that isn’t in great condition. FODAC breaks down equipment for parts.

FODAC (Friends of Disabled Adults & Children) in Stone Mountain, GA provides over $8 million each year in equipment and services to the community at little or no cost to the recipients. FODAC is a 501(c)(3) and does not have direct funding from Medicare/Medicaid for the services offered. Most equipment is issued for a suggested donation but some services have mandatory fees.

FODAC provides home health (mobility and daily living) equipment to people of any age or any disability, temporary or permanent, for medically necessary and medically helpful reasons. These items are provided for a suggested donation. Clients do not have to qualify financially but their waiting lists place a priority on Medically Necessary and low income individuals.

Their aim is to meet the short term needs for medically necessary situations while waiting on benefits to take over. Some examples include injuries with no existing insurance, a child outgrowing a wheelchair, a back up piece of equipment, all shower equipment, or caregiver aids.

You can find out more information on the FODAC website or by calling them at (770) 491-9014.

NOTE: To navigate to the FODAC website, click on the title above.

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