Thursday, March 07, 2013

Help us publicize our SC Assistive Technology Expo via social media!

Help us publicize our SC Assistive Technology Expo via social media!

Here’s our Expo Facebook Event page:

Please consider inviting your friends to this event via Facebook. Just click on the “Invite Friends” tab and choose those you think would be interested.

There are other ways to help us promote attendance and raise awareness about assistive technology in general:

You can enter the above link in your own Facebook status.
You can “share” the event (click the “share” link down on the left side of the page).
You can also enter one or all of the following links in your Facebook status (or tweet them).

If you could put each of these links into your Facebook status (or tweet them) at different times/days, it would help us keep the advertising going.

Also, there are some targeted newsletter/news releases on the Expo page ( If you have contacts to newsletters and announcements where this information would be appropriate, please send the information on, for us.

It everyone pitches in to help with this, it can make a tremendous difference in our outreach!

We’ll also be asking your help in promoting the AT/Equipment Donation Drive before and at the Expo.

To read more, please click on the above title.
To access the CDR Library catalog, please click on this link.

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