Friday, January 17, 2020

Segway's Newest Vehicle: The S-Pod!

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Segway’s newest self-balancing vehicle 
is an egg-shaped wheelchair

The S-Pod has a top speed of 24 miles per hour

By Sean O'Kane @sokane1  
Jan 3, 2020

Picture of woman riding in an S-Pod vehicle

Segway’s newest self-balancing vehicle won’t require you to stand up. Dubbed the S-Pod, the new egg-shaped two-wheeler from Segway-Ninebot is meant to let people sit while they effortlessly cruise around campuses, theme parks, airports, and maybe even cities — all of the same places you’d expect to see one of the company’s iconic (if still a bit dorky) stand-up vehicles.

The S-Pod is powered by basically the same gyroscopic self-balancing technology as a traditional Segway. But unlike a traditional Segway, which is driven by leaning forward, backward, and to the sides, the S-Pod is controlled using a little joystick on the right side of the seat. Segway says its self-balancing technology will always keep the chair level and that the two-wheel setup will allow for quick changes in direction even while stopped. (That said, there are three more small wheels visible on the underside of the chair, presumably for moving the S-Pod while its motors aren’t on.)

Segway also says the S-Pod was inspired by the gyrosphere from Jurassic World, though hitting the open-air S-Pod’s whopping top speed of 24 miles per hour may be even more terrifying than being chased by a dinosaur.

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