Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tiffany's Story

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July is BIPOC Mental Health Month

July Is Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month. The month was recognized starting in 2008. It is formally called Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. It was created to bring awareness to the unique struggles that Black, indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) face related to their mental health. Bebe Moore Campbell was an American author, journalist, teacher, and mental health advocate who worked to educate others on the mental health needs of the Black community and other underrepresented communities.

To celebrate the month we're introducing you to members of the BIPOC disability community who've shared their mental health stories with us.

Meet Tiffany

Tiffany photo for ABLE SC July 2022 BIPOC Mental Health Month

Tiffany has ADHD and Depression.

About her diagnosis, Tiffany says, “My diagnosis can sometimes get in the way of me performing small tasks. At times the hardest thing to do is to get the day started. Getting out of bed, getting dressed, and sometimes eating can take so much mental energy. There are times when I'm triggered and times when I'm not triggered. Sometimes it just happens. ”

Tiffany's tools include: 

  • Taking care of herself
  • Giving herself grace
  • Not blaming herself
  • Being gentle with herself
  • Giving herself time

"When I give myself grace, I take care of my heart. I release shame, disappointment, or anything that makes me dig a deeper hole that I feel like I am in."

Tiffany also goes outside for fresh air and to spend time with nature, "God's medicine is the four elements: water, land, air, and fire and it renews my soul."

Tiffany's advice for those new to recovery from mental illness is "That a psychiatric disability is something that you have but it doesn't have you. You are not your diagnosis. You are powerful beyond measure and are in control through your ups and downs.”

Thank you for sharing your story Tiffany!


Able South Carolina 

803.779.5121 | advocacy@able-sc.org

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