Monday, March 27, 2023

Autism Prevalence Rate Jumps to 1 in 36, Ahead of Autism Acceptance Month

Autism Society logo

Autism Society banner image with Megan, a person with autism, and a quote I am a person. I have hopes and dreams.

Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the United States, with one in 36 children receiving a diagnosis, according to today’s newly released report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In addition to the 5.8 million Autistic adults, this prevalence means that Autism likely touches a vast majority of Americans either through relationships or direct experience, and the support needs across the Autism spectrum are vastly different. During Autism Acceptance Month, the Autism Society is highlighting the diversity of experiences and needs with a reminder that acceptance happens every day.

The Autism Society is committed to sharing the varied and unique experiences across the spectrum. With this goal, we hosted a brand photoshoot in early 2023, to capture Autistic individuals with high support needs, specifically, those who use AAC, may also have intellectual and/or additional disabilities, and require additional levels of care. This Autism Acceptance Month, we are proud to share a new collection of portraits, stories, and experiences featuring Autism community members and their families. 

We are honored to share a preview of these images and our newest video featuring the participating families.

Collage of photos of autistic people and their families

"As a person with Autism and my other challenges - it's not every day that people ask me the kind of questions you all did at the photoshoot, like about my hopes for the future. " - Megan, person with Autism

Help us advance representation this Autism Acceptance Month with a gift.

"Having an opportunity to share bits of our family's journey is invaluable for the community to see how we show up in the world, but also for our family to reflect and put into words what makes us so special to each other." - Corinna, Mom and photoshoot participant

To support our participants, the team provided detailed itineraries for individuals and families to prepare and review what to expect on-site. Our national team members, and photo and video teams provided inclusive, considerate experiences – including low light, private spaces for calm, sensory supports, time considerations and sound management – all things not traditionally provided in a photography studio setting. 

Acceptance happens everyday in big and small ways.

For families and individuals with needs that require specific and around the clock care, the Autism Society of America is committed to amplifying their stories and experiences, and continues to advocate for expanded services and supports that meet their needs. 

Please join us as we work together to create a more accepting world with the resources, supports, services, and connections for the Autism community to live fully.

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