Friday, March 08, 2024

Autism Society, Vaccine Education Initiative


Learn more about the Autism Society’s Vaccine Education Initiative.

Don’t rely on luck to keep you healthy, protect yourself from health misinformation with the Autism Society’s Vaccine Education Initiative (VEI).




Don’t rely on luck to keep you healthy, protect yourself from health misinformation with the Autism Society’s Vaccine Education Initiative (VEI). Misinformation is knowledge or advice that is not true or does not come from facts. If you are not sure if something is true, do not share it and ask a trusted professional.


How do I know if something is misinformation?

·     Does the information match what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health departments are saying?


Why do people share misinformation?

·     They do not know it is not true.

·     They did not check the information before sharing.


What does misinformation look like?

·     Pictures that started as a joke, but people think are real.

·     Websites that look real, but have information that is not true.

·     Quotes with parts of the information changed or taken out, etc.


To learn more about addressing health misinformation and how to respond, check out our guide here.






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